Here are a few examples of some workshops, trainings and/or seminars that Jeff can craft to specifically meet your program and consulting needs.
Healthy Relationships
Participants define and discuss what healthy relationships are as well as identify them within their own lives. They will also be challenged to establish a plan of how they must end or alter relationships that maybe detrimental or harmful within their lives.
Writing Your Own Legacy
This workshop emphasizes the importance of intentionally living each day as if you were composing your life's story in your own words. The audience is encouraged to consider what things they would desire to be remembered for and how each new day assists them in establishing a long-lasting legacy that they can be proud of.
Reach to Teach
In this workshop Jeff helps educators understand the importance of reaching the students they are responsible for teaching. Participants are provided with practical and useful concepts, ideas and approaches that will enable them to connect to and inspire even the most challenging students.
Dealing With Your Stuff
This exploratory session examines various ways we deal with our issues, mistakes and failures on a public stage. Attendees learn that by properly dealing with their "stuff" and sharing their failures they can reclaim the power they've forfeited while inspiring others.
Second Chance U: Utilizing Restorative Practices
This “keep it real” session is specifically designed for those who understand that in school, out of school suspensions and alternative school assignments do not change behaviors. Furthermore, these same people understand that restorative justice cannot be implemented unless those implementing it actually commit themselves to its’ root aim…RESTORATION.

Confidence Vs. Cockiness & The Thin Line That Seperates The Two
Do you consider yourself a confident person? Maybe you've been accused of being a bit cocky? No matter where you fall within these two categories, this session will help to clarify exactly where you stand. We invite you to take part in this workshop that is sure to spark some riveting discussions.
Breaking the Curse
How to expect better out of your life by breaking those generational cycles that have imprisoned those who came before you!
Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom
Staff will be able to acknowledge and understand cultural differences and the importance of responding correctly to those differences .
Creating A Climate For Growth
Within this workshop participants will be challenged to examine the various work and developmental environments they're responsible for in an effort to determine what opportunities for growth they are presenting to those they lead.
What Are You Wearing?
This session is specifically designed to address the elephant in the room! Many of us are wearing experiences, trauma and other issues that follow us into and interfere with our everyday lives. This powerful workshop will challenge participants to identify and begin to overcome those things that still hold us captive.
100 Ways
Jeff May’s “100 Ways” to Make Love Without Having Sex is everything your mother and father have always told you, said in ways you’ve never heard before! This “keep it real” workshop is targeted specifically to teens in an effort to help them explore and define healthy relationships and how to appropriately conduct themselves using strong morals, family values and a common sense approach. At the end of this session participants will be able to effectively understand the difference between what Love is and what it’s not.
T.H.I.N.K Before You Speak
This session will challenge participants to choose their words carefully. In this workshop listeners will have to decide whether or not what they say is True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary or Kind. Be prepared to be more effective!
Building Positive Relationships with Students
This engaging PD will enable educators to understand the importance of building positive relationships with students to minimize disruptive behaviors and maximize student achievement. Staff will also learn strategies on how to create and maintain a positive emotional climate and culture.
Boys 2 Men... Building Effective Menotoring Programs
This workshop addresses the vital need for men to mentor young males in their journey into manhood. Participants will learn how to become involved, engaged and effective within the lives of boys both in schools and in the community. Those in attendance will walk away encouraged, motivated and empowered to make a difference in the lives of children.